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AWEsome Photo and Video Gallery

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Highlight for Album: AWE 2012 - Istanbul Turkey
AWE 2012 - Istanbul Turkey
8th AWE – Aviation and Women in Europe Conference “Taking the Next Step: Fearless, Graceful, and Together.” One hand does not clap, two hands do (Turkish proverb). Istanbul, Turkey. 19 – 21 October 2012. Photos of Thursday's visit around Istanbul inclusing the cruise on the Bosphorus; Friday's tours to the Air Force Museum and Turkish Airlines Training Faciities, closing with the amazing views from the venure where we had the Welcome Reception; Saturday's Conference and banquet; and the very relaxing and interesting Sunday visit of Istanbul. Official AWE12 Photographer: Tuğba IRMAK. In the news: on page 12 - http://uteddergi.com/sayi/2012/12/#/12/ On page 11 - http://www.afwdigital.org/afw/20130102/?lm=1356673385000&pg=13#pg13

Last changed on 03/30/2025. This album contains 467 items.
This album has been viewed 34339 times since 10/31/2012.
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Highlight for Album: 1st AWE Conference and AweSome AirShow, Trento (Italy), June 17-19, 2005
1st AWE Conference and AweSome AirShow, Trento (Italy), June 17-19, 2005
You were there? Relive the fun weekend. You weren't? Photo experiences of the attendees and speakers are online for you to enjoy ... and don't forget to view the great photos of the aircraft that performed at the grand finale "AWEsome Airshow"!

Last changed on 08/21/2008. This album contains 135 items.
This album has been viewed 20649 times since 07/04/2005.
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Sevda Tantan, as individual member of the European Federation of Airline Dispatchers Associations (EUFALDA) and International Federation of Airline Dispatchers Associations (IFALDA) reporting from their meeting on October 25th 2005.

Last changed on 08/21/2008. This album contains 5 items.
This album has been viewed 2719 times since 11/07/2005.
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Highlight for Album: Villa Caproni di Taliedo - 2nd AWE Conference site
Villa Caproni di Taliedo - 2nd AWE Conference site
AWE - Aviation and Women in Europe is welcoming you to attend the 2nd Conference in Varese September 2006. For starters feel free to take an online walk through the Villa Caproni di Taliedo. See you in September!

Last changed on 08/21/2008. This album contains 11 items.
This album has been viewed 4262 times since 02/06/2006.
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Highlight for Album: Frauen Power! Frankfurt, Germany 8th March 2006
Frauen Power! Frankfurt, Germany 8th March 2006
This is AWE - Aviation and Women in Europe's 1st official presence together with WAI - Women in Aviation, International. What a unique chance to network, share experiences, get questions answered, see for ourselves that it can be done!

Last changed on 08/21/2008. This album contains 18 items.
This album has been viewed 4809 times since 03/10/2006.
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Produced by Luca Salvadori