1st AWE Conference and AweSome AirShow, Trento (Italy), June 17-19, 2005 
Viewed: 1305 times.

Viewed: 1327 times.

Alex Paleri briefing his passenger 
before the intro flight
Alex Paleri briefing his passenger
before the intro flight
Viewed: 1324 times.

Alex Paleri taking Therese Uppstrom 
flying in his modified aircraft
Alex Paleri taking Therese Uppstrom
flying in his modified aircraft
Viewed: 1321 times.

Michelle Bassanesi greets member of
Yak Italia Team
Michelle Bassanesi greets member of
Yak Italia Team
Viewed: 1231 times.

greeting Yak Italia Captain
greeting Yak Italia Captain
Viewed: 1361 times.

Viewed: 1368 times.

Yak Italia Team and Blue Voltige
photo by Robin Lamar
Yak Italia Team and Blue Voltige
photo by Robin Lamar
Viewed: 1431 times.

Yak Italia Team 
ready for take off
photo by Robin Lamar
Yak Italia Team
ready for take off
photo by Robin Lamar
Viewed: 1244 times.

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