Bresso Maintenance Hanger - AWE guests and Marisa "the hanger cat"
Viewed: 1849 times.
Bresso Maintenance Hanger - Monica Valentini (creator of AWE digital logo) pats Marisa
Viewed: 1900 times.
Bresso Maintenance Hanger - Paul Lynch holds Marisa
Viewed: 1744 times.
Amy and Luca strapped in and ready to fly in the CAP10C
Viewed: 1736 times.
Caroline and Luca ready to akro
Viewed: 1884 times.
Explaining the engineering innovations of the CAP21DS
Viewed: 1810 times.
Andrea takes Gerri and Lyuba for a plane ride
Viewed: 1839 times.
Monica Valentini and Lubov Rylova in the C172
Viewed: 1817 times.
Michelle Bassanesi, Luca "Fish" Persico, Elizabeth Afande
Viewed: 2100 times.