AWE09 - 5th Aviation and Women in Europe Conference - Ferrara, Italy 
Alberto Bernabeo, Michelle Bassanesi, Karen Kahn
Alberto Bernabeo, Michelle Bassanesi, Karen Kahn
Viewed: 3241 times.

Monica Passuello
Monica Passuello
Viewed: 3230 times.

Luca Guidoni & Kristiina Tervo
Luca Guidoni & Kristiina Tervo
Viewed: 3094 times.

AWE09 Banquet
AWE09 Banquet
Viewed: 2185 times.

Ferrara AirVenture 2009
Ferrara AirVenture 2009
Viewed: 2202 times.

Annabelle Burroughes and Sergio Dallan
Annabelle Burroughes and Sergio Dallan
Viewed: 3824 times.

Ferrara Airventure
Ferrara Airventure
Viewed: 2169 times.

Luca Guidoni trying out aircraft
Luca Guidoni trying out aircraft
Viewed: 2523 times.

Let me see how this fits!
Let me see how this fits!
Viewed: 2044 times.

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