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Welcome to AWE - Aviation and Women in Europe


AWE - Aviation and Women in Europe
Coordinates and promotes aviation education
Encourages women to seek opportunities in aviation


AWE operates exclusively for charitable, educational or scientific purposes.

To foster, promote and engage in aviation education, particularly as it relates to women in aviation. This includes encouraging women to seek opportunities in aviation.

To cultivate, foster, and promote interest and understanding among the public in the accomplishments and contributions of women to the aviation industry.

To establish, acquire and maintain information and materials, acting as a depository for historical and scientific interest which pertain in any way to the science of aviation, especially as it relates to women in aviation.

AWE wishes to honor the achievements of the European strong-minded, pioneering women, knowing that we stand o­n their shoulders. Through websites like this o­ne - we can recognise their strengths, develop them in ourselves, and build o­n them – together.

AWE coordinates the promotion of women and their work in aviation.

AWE looks to spread aviation knowledge and culture amongst women.

AWE's long term goal is to create a source of information and professional opportunities for women in European aerospace and aviation.


AWE needs your contribution to grow!

Michelle Bassanesi

Past Conferences:
2012 - Istanbul, Turkey
2011 - Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2010 - London, UK
2009 - Ferrara, Italy
2008 - Sandefjord, Norway
2007 - London, UK
2006 - Varese, Italy

2005 - Trento, Italy
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